Sunday, April 30, 2023

Web to Case

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Generating Lead via Web

Product Interest:

Friday, April 21, 2023

Lead and Contacts as Campaign Members - Why ?

I have been asked by my students as so what the purpose of have leads/contacts to be added as Campaign members 

After consulting my friends (including virtual friends) I thought of these points: 

1.     Targeted Marketing: By adding Leads and Contacts as Campaign Members, you can create targeted marketing campaigns that are tailored to specific segments of your audience. For example, you could create a Campaign for Leads and Contacts that have expressed interest in a particular product or service, and then create marketing materials that are specifically designed for that audience.

2.     Lead Scoring: By tracking the engagement of Leads and Contacts with your Campaigns, you can assign scores to them based on their level of engagement. This can help you prioritize your follow-up activities and focus your resources on the Leads and Contacts that are most likely to convert into customers.

3.     Reporting: By tracking the performance of your Campaigns across all of your Leads and Contacts, you can generate reports that provide insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts. You can use these insights to refine your marketing strategy and optimize your ROI.

4.     Sales Alignment: By adding Leads and Contacts as Campaign Members, you can align your sales and marketing efforts. Sales reps can see which Campaigns their Leads and Contacts are a part of, and can use this information to tailor their follow-up activities and better understand their prospects' interests and needs.


summary, adding Leads and Contacts as Campaign Members in Salesforce provides

several benefits, including targeted marketing, lead scoring, reporting, and

sales alignment. By tracking the engagement of your Leads and Contacts with

your Campaigns, you can create more effective marketing campaigns and improve

your overall sales and marketing performance.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Salesforce User Licenses / Roles / Profiles -

I have been asked a couple of times if User Licenses, Roles and Profiles work together or independent how different are they from each other. 

My small effort to explain there contribution in Salesforce Applications

User Licenses: User licenses determine the features and functionalities that a user can access in Salesforce. Different types of user licenses are available, such as Salesforce, Salesforce Platform, and Salesforce Community Cloud licenses, and each has its own set of capabilities and limitations.

Roles: Roles are used to define the hierarchical structure of an organization in Salesforce. They are used to control access to records and other data based on the position of a user in the organizational hierarchy. Roles can be used in conjunction with sharing rules to provide granular control over data access.

Profiles: Profiles are used to define the permissions and settings that govern what a user can do and see in Salesforce. They control access to objects, fields, tabs, and other features based on a user's role and job requirements. Profiles can also be used to define page layouts, record types, and other UI settings.

The relationship between these three components can be summarised as follows:

User licenses determine the available features and functionalities for a user, such as whether they can use Salesforce or a more limited platform license.

Roles define the organisational hierarchy and are used to control data access for users based on their position in the hierarchy.

Profiles determine the specific permissions and settings for each user based on their role and job requirements, controlling access to objects, fields, and other features.

Overall, these components work together to provide a flexible and granular security model in Salesforce, enabling administrators to fine-tune data access and control based on the needs of their organization.

Standard user profile in Salesforce:

Below of the objects and privileges that are configured in Standard User profile

  1. Accounts
  2. Contacts
  3. Leads
  4. Opportunities
  5. Campaigns
  6. Cases
  7. Solutions
  8. Forecasts
  9. Contracts
  10. Assets
  11. Products
  12. Price Books
  13. Orders
  15. Invoices
  16. Activities (Tasks and Events)
  17. Notes
  18. Attachments
  19. Chatter (Feeds, Groups, and Files)
  20. Reports and Dashboards (depending on permissions set by the administrator)

Specific level of access to these objects can be controlled by the administrator through object-level and field-level security settings. Additionally, custom objects can be created and made accessible to standard users based on their profile and permissions.

Create and edit records: Standard users can create and edit records for the objects they have access to, subject to any object or field-level permissions that may be in place.

View records: Standard users can view records for the objects they have access to, subject to any record-level sharing rules that may be in place.

Limited administrative privileges: Standard users can perform some administrative tasks, such as creating reports and dashboards, but they cannot perform more advanced tasks, such as creating or modifying user profiles.

Limited data management privileges: Standard users can import data into Salesforce and export data from Salesforce, but they cannot perform more advanced data management tasks, such as mass updating or deleting records.

Overall, the privileges provided by a standard user profile are designed to allow users to perform most of the tasks they need to do their jobs, while still maintaining appropriate levels of security and control over the system.

Salesforce Platform User - Privileges

The Salesforce Platform User profile does not have access to the Lead object by default. 
This profile is designed for users who do not need access to Leads and instead focuses on providing access to core Salesforce objects and functionality.
List of the objects and privileges typically associated with the Salesforce Platform User profile:
Price Books
Create, edit, and delete records for the objects mentioned above
View and edit all data in the objects mentioned above
Access to sales-specific reports and dashboards
Access to sales features such as forecasting, collaborative forecasting, and team selling
Access to creating and managing email templates
Access to creating and executing outbound email campaigns
Access to creating and managing custom fields
Access to creating and managing page layouts and record types
Access to creating and managing workflow rules and approval processes
Access to creating and managing profiles and permission sets for other users in the organization
Access to creating and managing custom objects and custom apps

Friday, March 17, 2023

web to case - sandbox

Thursday, March 16, 2023