Saturday, August 20, 2022

वीर सावरकर यानी मराठी समृद्ध केली..ते शब्द!!

Was reading an article in Marathi online and when I hoovered over a word " नभोवाणी " and I remembered a discussion with my friend at work about the words coined by the Great Veer Savarkar!!  

Here are few I found on the net!!

दिनांक (तारीख)
क्रमांक (नंबर)
बोलपट (टॉकी)
वेशभूषा (कॉश्च्युम)
दिग्दर्शक (डायरेक्टर)
चित्रपट (सिनेमा)
मध्यंतर (इन्टर्व्हल)
उपस्थित (हजर)
प्रतिवृत्त (रिपोर्ट)
नगरपालिका (म्युन्सिपाल्टी)
महापालिका (कॉर्पोरेशन)
महापौर (मेयर)
पर्यवेक्षक ( सुपरवायझर)
विश्वस्त (ट्रस्टी)
त्वर्य/त्वरित (अर्जंट)
गणसंख्या (कोरम)
स्तंभ ( कॉलम)
मूल्य (किंमत)
शुल्क (फी)
हुतात्मा (शहीद)
निर्बंध (कायदा)
शिरगणती ( खानेसुमारी)
विशेषांक (खास अंक)
सार्वमत (प्लेबिसाइट)
झरणी (फाऊन्टनपेन)
नभोवाणी (रेडिओ)
दूरदर्शन (टेलिव्हिजन)
दूरध्वनी (टेलिफोन)
ध्वनिक्षेपक (लाउड स्पीकर)
विधिमंडळ ( असेम्ब्ली)
अर्थसंकल्प (बजेट)
क्रीडांगण (ग्राउंड)
प्राचार्य (प्रिन्सिपॉल)
मुख्याध्यापक (प्रिन्सिपॉल)
प्राध्यापक (प्रोफेसर)
परीक्षक (एक्झामिनर)
शस्त्रसंधी (सिसफायर)
टपाल (पोस्ट)
तारण (मॉर्गेज)
संचलन (परेड)
नेतृत्व (लिडरशीप)
सेवानिवृत्त (रिटायर)
वेतन (पगार)

Elastic Search and Security Around It !

 Elastic Search is now widely used in PeopleSoft and especially with organisations wanting to implement Kibana Analytics.

Just trying to pen down some basic understanding in this article in the most lucid language.

Terms Involved:-

Search Definition -  Define the data that the end users can run their searches against. 

Search Category - Organizing search definitions in manageable, logical group of data. Search Queries run against search categories and not search defnitions. Search definitions should be a member of a Search Category.

Search Groups - Search group are those search categroes that have a Search Group check box checked. This is done when search categories are created. This check box is on the Search Catogories page.

Peopletools- Search Framework - Designer - Search Category

Why do we have this setting  Search Group?

This is used when we decide who should be allowed to search on which category. 

All employees may not get the right to search Job Data, it will go only to the power users.

So to achieve this we have to configure permission lists. When you create a permission list there is a tab Search Group. Here we add all the necessary groups. We add this permission list to a role.

So all the users who have the role will get the rights to search on those specific search groups included in the Permission List.


Permission List - PL_rch_job_data has permission to to HC_HR_JOB_DATA search group. PL_srch_job_data is attached to RL_srch_job_Data. 

All users that have the role RL_Srch_job_data will be able to search job data.

Finally below 5 steps to enable elastic search for any user - 

1 - Create connected Query / PS Query

2 - Create Search Definition Search add query from step 1 above.

3 - Create Search Category - ( check if this category is search group). Search category can have more than one Search Definitions.

4. Create a Permission List - Search Group created in step 4 will be available to be added to permission list.

5 - Add Permission List to the Role and Assign the role to the appropriate users.  

You Tube link to a informative Video.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Ren Server configurations

Follow the below steps to configure complete new set up for Ren Server.

Step 1 - Stop web domain, application domain and process scheduler

Step 2 - delete existing configuration from the below tables.





Step 3 - Open psappsrv.cfg and in the Ren Server section make the below changes.



Step 4 - from Application Domain directory open psrenconfig.txt

set address <ip address >

set hostname <uat1win19>

Step 5 -  Boot the web domain , application domain

Step 6 - Navigate to Ren Server Cluster page

PeopleTools - REN Server Configuration - REN Server Cluster Page

Step 7 - Configure ren server cluster url with the name given in the renconfig.txt 


Step 8 - Configurate ren sever Browser URL - (Load balanced)


Step 9 - Authentication Domain 


Step 10 - Stop all the Application Domain/Web Domain/ Process Scheduler 

Step 11 - Clear all the cache from Appliction domian/ Web Domain (site) , Process Scheduler

Step 12 - Clear browser cache from all the browser that are being used. 

Step 13 - Boot all the appropriate domains.


If you do not follow the above sequence you could likely end up with the below error.

Ren Server Definition Errors with 'The page at xxxx psren' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame (http) 

 PS- Steps 5, 10 , 11 , 12 play an important role. 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Generating new SSH-KEY and Error handled

 Want to use sftp to conect to a remote server without giving password (this depends) some remotes server require some do not.


$ ssh-keygen

Generating public/private rsa key pair.

Enter file in which to save the key (/home/userdir/peoplesoft/.ssh/id_rsa): /home/userdir/peoplesoft/.ssh/trial_rsa

Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): press enter to avoid giving a password.

(if you give a password , when connecting to remote we have to key in this password)

trial_rsa and will be generated.

.pub file needs to the organization whose server we are trying to sftp. That organization will import the public key.

Once that is done 

Create a config file in the .ssh folder with below details 

host trial (u can give any name)

hostname name of the remote server

user <username>

port 22 (usually , else whatever is specified)

IdentityFile <path>/trial

PasswordAuthentication no

once you save this file , you should be able to connect using the below command

sftp trial  (where trial is the name given against host in the config file)

you will observe that an entry will be added to the know_hosts file in the .ssh folder.

if you see the below error 

Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/ to get rid of this message.
Offending RSA key in /home/
Keyboard-interactive authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks.

remove the keys from know_hosts file using the below command
line number mentioned at the end of the line in above message that starts with offending word
Offending RSA key in /home/
ssh-keygen -R <name or ip>