Saturday, May 11, 2019

Change ESAdmin Password - Elastic Search

Steps To Change Elasticsearch Password
1. Change directory to ES_HOME/bin
2. Run the following to change the password for esadmin user, enter ‘Y’ when prompted for password change. For the default user, “esadmin”, default password is “esadmin”:
elasticsearchuser.bat adduser esadmin
User Exists. Do you wish to change the password?(Y/N)Y
Enter your old password:
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
Password for esadmin changed.
3. Run the following to change the password for people user, enter ‘Y’ when prompted for password change. For the default user, “people”, default password is “peop1e”:
elasticsearchuser.bat adduser people
User Exists. Do you wish to change the password?(Y/N)Y
Enter your old password:
Enter new password:
Confirm new password:
Password for people changed.
4. To add new users, follow Step 1, with new username and password. To add roles to these users, run the following:
elasticsearchuser.bat addrole user1
Enter password:
Enter comma seperated list of roles : admin,read,security
Roles added for user user1C