Wednesday, December 23, 2015

SSH KEYS Authetication with PuTTY and Linux

Step 1: Run / Open PuTTYgen.exe.

Step 2: Click on Generate button and move the mouser over blank space to generate key. Give a key passphrase.

Step 3: Save Public Key, Private Key

Step 4: Copy to key that you see, in a notepad

Step 5: Login to the Linux box with the user that you want to use.

Step 6: Do not change the directory and create a new directory
             mkdir .ssh
             chmod 700 .ssh
             cd .ssh
             vi authorized_keys2 (this is name to be used)
             Insert / Paste the key copied to the notepad in step 4 above. Ensure that it is one line. This is very important.
             Save and quit the authorized_keys2 file
             chmod 600 authorized_keys

Step 7: Start PAGEANT.exe from your putty software directory. You will see the in your syspanel.
             Your will see an icon the right hand bottom corner.

Step 8: Right click on the pageant icon and choose Add Key. Give the  private key


Open putty: save an entry as username@servername and enjoy !1