Friday, April 24, 2020

PeopleSoft - Force Logon Page User Id to UpperCase

Many times its observed that the login id for PeopleSoft Applications are in upper case , but the users enter their ids in lower case and are confronted with Invalid Userid or Password. So to overcome this , replace the below code in 


Look for input type as text. 

Replace the following string to force userid in upper case. You will see it change to upper case even though your caps lock in off.
replace the following string

Please add the "<"  and ">" before input and after class respectively.

input type="text" id="userid" name="userid"


input type="text" id="userid" name="userid"
onKeyUp="event.returnValue = true; userid.value=userid.value.toUpperCase();"

replace the following string for accepting the password in upper case

input TYPE="password" id="pwd" name="pwd"


input TYPE="password" id="pwd" name="pwd"
onKeyUp="event.returnValue = true; pwd.value=pwd.value.toUpperCase();"

The above changes will result the Key Strokes to be conversion to UPPERCASE no matter CAPS Lock is ON. This will ONLY change it for the web signon NOT the client.

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