Thursday, November 21, 2019

Where you STUMBLE there your Treasure IS!!!

We have the read and heard and digested this story ..hope to give you a different perspective to digest..!!!

       On the middle of a road there lay quite a big stone and everyone passed by it , some stumbled .. got up... blamed the Municipality and went on their paths.. But one fellow who probably got up on the right side of the bed that morning.... stumbled .. got up.. moved the stone to the side .. and lo!!.. he discovered a bag of gold coins that turned his life around !!!

      What was going on in his mind differently than the others who had stumbled.. Was it the  ABCC formula that got the better of a good way .. ofcourse

      A  --- was he AWARE of his present situation rather than blaming someone else for his fall
      B  --- Breathe .. he took a couple of deep breaths ..gathered himself and removed the stone to discover the hidden treasure.
      C --- Curiosity -- what was the curiosity. why is the stone in the middle of the road .. why did the municipality  leave it there.. NO NO Not All.. he probably got curious as to .. what can I do so that others do not get hurt ..should I call the the authorities and let them do it or should I..
      C --- Choose -- the most important part of his discovery ..  the choice he made of the two paths that probably occurred to him

Every problem that you face in your daily chores .. personal or professional .. can you apply this ABCC formula ..
First thing that came to me .. can I apply this to loose my weight... why not .. I put it action.. and lost 1/2 kg in over a week..

Apply this to the technical problems functional issues..personal dilemmas..  and your bound to see your treasure box getting bigger..!!!

Every time you stumble .. you are almost definite to discover some treasure.. even experience nothing less of a treasure

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is so very True and I think every person can relate to this in their life.
Since the time we get up now-a-days... the entire focus is on how can I take something off my shoulders and put it on someone else and make them responsible....

But I think we should start re-learning now and understand what is true 'RESPONSILITY' - It meas my ability to respond to any thing/person/situation. This gives me choice of how I will respond and a sense of freedom to respond what I feel is right way and in that process you unfold your Treasure

Wonderful write-up Devendra!! Keep going!!!