Friday, September 25, 2015

Change Assistant Step Parameters

This a list of parameters that we can use when we are designing a totally customized Change Assistant Template.

Used a customized template in a project where the customer had payroll in 9.2 and Core HR in a lower version. I created a customized template for the upgrade for Core HR. These list came in quite handy so thought of sharing it.

Used primarily for functions that require a project name, like Build Project, Create Project, and Merge Project.
For the Merge Project step type, you can specify two projects separated by a comma. For example,
Used when you need to run a script that is not located in the one of standard home directories defined for the environment. For example:

By default the scripts and processes are run on one of the current home directories defined for the environment. However if the script or process needs to run on the old release, you need to specify the old release home directories using the variable #ALL_OLD_PATHS_TGT. Example:

#P1= through #P5=
Used to pass parameters to SQR reports, for example, TEST.sqr. In this case, you would pass the necessary value, such as:
Used to specify the Output Directory variable that is defined in the Options, Change Assistant, Directories screen.
Used for DB2 Command Center, for Non-Terminated SQL Scripts.
Note: The #NT parameter applies to DB2 LUW only. It is ignored for DB2 zOS.
Enables you to specify the type of record to insert into the project. Choose from the following record types:
All Records, Table, View/Query, View/Derived, SubRecord, Stored Procedure, Temporary Table, Dynamic View.
Enables the user to override the run control ID used for Application Engine processes.
#CI =
Connect ID (Used for Data Mover – Tools).
#CW =
Connect password (Used for Data Mover – Tools).
Extracts DMS export script from file (Used for Data Mover – Tools).
Extracts dbsetup DMS import script from file and database connectivity parameters (Used for Data Mover – Tools).
Generates DMS script for UNICODE database (default is NON-UNICODE) (Used for Data Mover – Tools).
Default tablespace (PTMINITS) (Used for Data Mover – Tools, DB2 LUW, Oracle and Informix only).
Physical dbname.tablespace (PTMINIDB.TABLESPACE) ) (Used for Data Mover – Tools, DB2 z/OS only).
Storage group for tablespace (Used for Data Mover – Tools, DB2 z/OS only).
Storage group for index (Used for Data Mover – Tools, DB2 z/OS only).
Database owner ID (same as sqlid and tableowner) (Used for Data Mover – Tools, DB2 z/OS only).
Default tablespace (PTMINITS) (Used for Data Mover – Tools, Informix only).
(Used only for ProcessScheduler step types).
Enter the name of the Process Scheduler server to run the step. Valid values are SERVER1 or SERVER2, which correlate to the Process Scheduler server definitions you have defined in your upgrade environment.
(Used only for ProcessScheduler step types).
Enter the process type, as defined in Process Scheduler. For example, Application Engine, SQR Report, Data Mover, and so on.
Note: This parameter is case sensitive. That is, the value must appear in the exact case as the process type in Process Scheduler. For example, for an Application Engine program, the process type parameter should appear as PROCESS_TYPE=Application Engine, not PROCESS_TYPE=APPLICATION ENGINE.
(Used only for ProcessScheduler step types).
Enter the process name, such as DDDAUDIT.
(Used only for ProcessScheduler step types).
Enter the appropriate run control ID.
Note: If NUM_INSTANCES is greater than one, Change Assistant will append unique sequence numbers to the end of the Run Control ID before requests are submitted to the Process Scheduler. This is required for submitting multiple instances of the same process. If NUM_INSTANCES is equal to one, Change Assistant will NOT append unique sequence numbers to the end of the Run Control ID.
(Used only for ProcessScheduler step types).
Used by Change Assistant to schedule multiple processes through Process Scheduler as individual process requests. However, the actual number of instances simultaneously executed on the Process Server is controlled by the Max Concurrent setting for the process type in the Process Scheduler server definition.
Used with the PTFTest step to identify the test
Used with the PTFTest step to identify the test cas.
Used with the PTFTest step to identify the test prefix

Uses the path values defined for the target database current environment.
Uses the path values defined for the source database current environment.
Uses the path values defined for the copy of demo database current environment.
Uses the path values defined for the production database current environment.
Uses the path values defined for the target database old environment.

Uses the platform values defined for the target database current environment.
Uses the platform values defined for the source database current environment.
Uses the platform values defined for the copy of demo database current environment.
Uses the platform values defined for the production database current environment.

Platform Used in Command Line, Press Enter to collapse
Steps where the command line includes the platform are:
·         ApplicationEngine
·         ApplicationEngineWithRunControl
·         BuildProject
·         CompareAndReport
·         CopyDatabase
·         CopyfromFile
·         CopyToFile
·         CreateProject
·         MergeProject
·         DataMoverBootstrap
·         DataMoverUser

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Converting nVision Reports (Tools Upgrade)

After upgrading tools version and moving from msoffice 2003 to 10 we have to convert the nvision reports used in PeopleSoft FSCM.

It is fairly simple and here are the 12 steps .. just follow

1.  Download MS Office conversion utility and install 
      Link to download
      search for nvision MigrationPlanningManager.exe in Google
2.  Take a backup of nvision directory
3.  Navigate to %PS_HOME%\nvision\LAYOUT
4.  Rename all xnv files to xls 
      for /R %1 in (*.xnv) do ren "%1" "%~n1.xls"
5.  Navigate to the directory where you have downloaded the conversion utility
6.  Edit ofc.ini
7.  Change the location to pick xls files: change it to  %PS_HOME%\nvision\LAYOUT in ofc.ini file
8.  Run ofc.exe - this will convert all xls file to xlsx
9.  It will created "Converted" directory under %PS_HOME%
10. Rename %PS_HOME%\nvision\ %PS_HOME\nvision_b4_conversion
11. Copy -R %PS_HOME%\Converted\nvision %PS_HOME%\nvision
12. Rename all xlsx files to xnv
     for /R %1 in (*.xlsx) do ren "%1" "%~n1.xnv"