Monday, September 10, 2012

Export selective 1000 tables using expdp, include clause

We had discrepancy in PeopleSoft DDDAUDIT. Around 1200 tables were there in the database
but not in the  Application.

We had to drop them ,but had to take a backup of those tables.

Using Data Pump and putting all those 1200 tables in the TABLES= list was a giving me value too large error.

So to resolve

1. Created a table "LIST_OF_TBL' with one column "TNAME"
2. Inserted those 1200 tables names in the above table(step 1 above)
3. created a par file as below

INCLUDE=TABLE:"IN (select tname from list_of_tbl)"

That's it , 
expdp sysadm/sysadm parfile=exp1.par

Sunday, September 9, 2012

unix tips

1. SED to remove trailing spaces

 cat tblist.txt | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//'

2.Join two files line to line
use paste file1 file2

Monday, June 18, 2012

Interesting facts about People with PITTA TENDENCY

We all know the traffic in Pune!! Yesterday evening at the corner of my street I witnessed a situation where an minor accident was about to happen but did not...
But one of the party involved , in a fraction of a second flared up and and other was calm , composed and handled the situation. but in a couple of minutes things were resolved and life continued......

Why did the one person blood rush upwards and other person blood chose otherwise....

Coming home I happened to read something that I could relate to the above incident straight away.. so thought of penning it down

Well its the constitution of your body is what contributes the most the nature/behavior of an indvidual..
Below is the person body composition is more dominated by Pitta!! (pitta is bile in English)
hope you guys find it interesting..

Pitta in Ayurveda ...(BILE in English ) , contains fire and water. It embodies heat and reflects all the catabolic activities of the body.

  • Thus a person with Ptta Tendency has lustrous skin and soft,silky hair. Pitta is predominant in youth and so these people show evidence of youth.
  • Very intelligent, such persons have sparkling eyes, good memory adn are usually brave and courageous.
  • The heat in them is reflected by the tendency to get angry quickly; they tend to cool off equally soon(as though the water component of pitta douses the fire as soon as it is roused).
  • They are endowed with precise,razor-sharp logic and are in control of every situation because of their mastery over the subject they are involved with.
  • They do tend to talk a little loudly,but they  are heard more because of the sense in what they are saying than in the tone of their voices!
  • They are rather big egoists!!
  • The powerful Pitta leads to a fast digestive system and are soon craving for the next meal.
  • Although they eat well , they are unable to do a large amount physical activity. 
  • They tend to enjoy the cold winter and dislike the warm summer.
  • The love and need sleep and hate staying awake

Above are an extract from a very good book "AYURVEDA UNRAVELLED" I have met many people and noted the above characteristics and after reading this article checked with them and indeed they do live the PITTA TENDENCY!!!  

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

http-ping utility

HTTP-PING utility
(google .. to download)

very good utility to check urls.  I use to to check is ps gateway urls are up and ok , ps sites are up and working.

http-ping [-t] [-n count] [-i interval] [-f file-name] [-s] [-v]
          [-q] [-c] [-r] [-w timeout] [-p] [-d] [-o data | -of file-name] URL

    URL            The URL you wish to check. For example,,
         , or http://www.yourhost:8080.
                   Be sure to surround an IPv6 address with square brackets. For
                   example, http://[2a00:1450:4007:800::1014].

    -t             Ping the specified URL until stopped.
                   To see statistics and continue - type Control-Break;
                   To stop - type Control-C.
    -n count       Send 'count' requests. Supercedes -t.
    -i interval    Wait 'interval' seconds between each request. There is a
                   1-second wait if this option is not specified.
    -f file-name   Save responses to file 'file-name'. Please specify the full
                   path, and use quotes around file names with spaces.
    -s             Silent. Print no output.
    -v             Verbose. Print detailed output. Supercedes -s.
    -q             Quick. Perform HTTP HEAD requests instead of GETs. This will
                   retrieve headers only, and bytes reported will be 0.
    -c             Perform a full connection on each request; ignore keep-alive.
    -r             Follow HTTP redirects.
    -w timeout     Wait 'timeout' seconds for a response before timing out.
                   Specify 0 to avoid timing out.
                   If not specified, the default timeout is 30 seconds.
    -p             Use the proxy defined in the Windows Internet settings.
    -d             Print the date and time of each ping attempt.
    -o data        Perform HTTP POSTs sending the given data. Please enclose
                   the data in quotes if it contains spaces.\n"
    -of file-name  Perform HTTP POSTs sending the contents of file 'file-name'.
                   Please specify the full path, and use quotes if the file name
                   contains spaces.