Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Xml Publisher setting

The XML publisher reports now seem to be working when using the template builder.

The problem seemed to be related to one of the solutions you sent me last week. Essentially all of the fields in the report need to be edited via the word properties - Add help text option so that the default fields in the form field help text window beginning with 'ref' are replaced with the actual field names. So for example:

Replaced with

Importantly the F and E fields which are at the start and end of all fields listed in a template that has repeating values need to be replaced as follows:

F field at the beginning:

replaced with


E field at the end:

Replaced with

This allows all of the values to be listed in a report table.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Turn on logging for xmlp Reports

Steps to Turn ON Logging for XMLP Reports for Debugging

Steps to Turn ON Logging for XMLP Reports for Debugging.

Create a file named xdodebug.cfg and place it under [PS_HOME]\JRE\Lib] folder.The file should include the following line:

Under Windows


Under Unix
The file Should look like this (point to an appropriate temporary directory under the Unix box)


Remove xdodebug.cfg when finished replicating the issue.

The logging is specifically useful for troubleshooting the Template(RTF/PDF) or Data File(XML file) specific issues. The generated XML file is the actual data file which is run from the MS Word Design Helper Preview mode to narrow down the issue.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Peoplesoft on YouTube

PeopleSoft on YouTube

Search for PSFTOracle

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PeopleTools 8.52 is supporting PeopleSoft on iPAD, mobile Safari

You can find demo PeopleSoft Environments at the url below