Saturday, December 14, 2024

Basic sentence formation in FRENCH

Compiled this for my personal use from various source on the net!!

1. Basic Sentence Structure

The typical word order in French is:

Subject → Verb → Object/Complement


  • Je mange une pomme. → "I am eating an apple."

    • Subject: Je (I)
    • Verb: mange (eat)
    • Object: une pomme (an apple)
  • Il regarde la télévision. → "He is watching television."

    • Subject: Il (He)
    • Verb: regarde (watches)
    • Object: la télévision (television)

2. Adding Adjectives

Adjectives usually follow the noun in French, except for certain adjectives that come before the noun (like beau(beautiful), grand(big), petit(little), jeune(young), vieux(old), bon(good), mauvais(bad)).


  • Un livre intéressant → "An interesting book." (Adjective follows noun)
  • Un grand homme → "A great man." (Adjective precedes noun)

3. Questions with "Quel"

When forming questions with quel (which/what), the order depends on the type of question.

Structure 1: Quel + Noun + Verb + Subject

  • Quel livre lis-tu ? → "Which book are you reading?"
    • Quel = Which
    • Livre = Book
    • Lis-tu = Are you reading

Structure 2: Quel + Noun + Verb

  • Quel film préfères-tu ? → "Which film do you prefer?"
  • Quels parcs tu visitie →. "Which parks did you visit?"
  • tu visitie quel parcs

4. Questions with Inversion

For formal questions, the structure is often:

Question Word + Verb + Subject Pronoun


  • Où habites-tu ? → "Where do you live?"

    • = Where
    • Habites-tu = Do you live
  • Comment vas-tu ? → "How are you?"

    • Comment = How
    • Vas-tu = Are you going

5. Negative Sentences

To make a sentence negative, place ne...pas (or another negative pair) around the verb.


  • Je ne parle pas anglais. → "I do not speak English."

    • ne...pas surrounds the verb parle.
  • Il n’aime pas les légumes. → "He doesn’t like vegetables."

6. Word Order in Compound Sentences

For compound tenses (e.g., passé composé), the auxiliary verb comes before the past participle.


  • J’ai mangé une pomme. → "I ate an apple."
    • Subject: Je
    • Auxiliary verb: ai
    • Past participle: mangé

7. Emphasizing Sentences

You can emphasize certain parts of a sentence by reordering or using additional phrases like c’est...qui or c’est...que.


  • C’est toi qui as fait ça. → "It’s you who did that."
  • C’est le livre que j’ai acheté. → "It’s the book that I bought."

Quick Reference for French Sentence Sequences

Basic SentenceSubject + Verb + ObjectJe vois un chien. → "I see a dog."
With AdjectiveSubject + Verb + Noun + AdjectiveUne maison bleue. → "A blue house."
Question with QuelQuel + Noun + Verb + SubjectQuel film aimes-tu ? → "Which film?"
Inversion QuestionQuestion Word + Verb + Subject PronounOù vas-tu ? → "Where are you going?"
Negative SentenceSubject + Ne + Verb + Pas + ObjectJe ne parle pas. → "I don’t speak."

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