Tuesday, February 4, 2025



1. How to Form the Future Tense (Futur Simple)

For most verbs, the Futur Simple is formed by adding specific endings to the infinitive form of the verb. The endings are the same for all verbs:

Regular Verb Endings:


Example with a Regular Verb (Parler - To speak)


2. Irregular Verb Conjugation in Future Tense

Some verbs have irregular stems, but they take the same endings as regular verbs.

InfinitiveFuture BaseExample (Je form)
Être (to be)ser-Je serai
Avoir (to have)aur-J'aurai
Aller (to go)ir-J'irai
Faire (to do/make)fer-Je ferai
Voir (to see)verr-Je verrai
Pouvoir (to be able to)pourr-Je pourrai
Vouloir (to want)voudr-Je voudrai
Savoir (to know)saur-Je saurai
Venir (to come)viendr-Je viendrai
Devoir (to have to)devr-Je devrai

3. Example Sentences

Regular Verb Example:

  • Je mangerai une pomme demain. (I will eat an apple tomorrow.)
  • Nous finirons notre travail ce soir. (We will finish our work tonight.)

Irregular Verb Example:

  • Tu seras en retard si tu ne pars pas maintenant. (You will be late if you don’t leave now.)
  • Il aura 18 ans l’année prochaine. (He will be 18 next year.)

4. Practice Exercise

Complete the sentences with the correct Futur Simple form of the verb in parentheses:

  1. Nous _______ (aller) à Paris cet été.
  2. Elle _______ (avoir) un nouveau vélo.
  3. Tu _______ (être) en vacances la semaine prochaine.
  4. Ils _______ (faire) du sport demain matin.
  5. Je _______ (voir) mes amis ce week-end.

5. Answers

  1. Nous irons à Paris cet été.
  2. Elle aura un nouveau vélo.
  3. Tu seras en vacances la semaine prochaine.
  4. Ils feront du sport demain matin.
  5. Je verrai mes amis ce week-end.

Monday, February 3, 2025

French - Imparatif (affirmative and negative)

Imperative in French: Affirmative & Negative Commands

The imperative mood (l'impératif) in French is used to give commands, instructions, requests, or advice. It has two forms:

  1. Affirmative Imperative (Impératif affirmatif) – tells someone to do something.
  2. Negative Imperative (Impératif négatif) – tells someone not to do something.

1. Affirmative Imperative (Impératif affirmatif)

In the affirmative imperative, the verb is used without a subject pronoun. The forms are generally based on the present tense but without "tu," "nous," or "vous."


The imperative exists in three persons:

  • tu (for informal singular)
  • nous (for "let's" commands)
  • vous (for formal/plural)

🔹 Conjugation Rules:

  • For -er verbs, the "s" is dropped in the tu form.
  • For -ir and -re verbs, the forms are the same as the present tense.


InfinitivePresent Tense (Tu)Imperative (Tu)Imperative (Nous)Imperative (Vous)
parler (to speak)tu parlesParle ! (Speak!)Parlons ! (Let’s speak!)Parlez ! (Speak!)
finir (to finish)tu finisFinis ! (Finish!)Finissons ! (Let’s finish!)Finissez ! (Finish!)
vendre (to sell)tu vendsVends ! (Sell!)Vendons ! (Let’s sell!)Vendez ! (Sell!)

📌 Exception: For -er verbs, keep the "s" in the tu form only when followed by "y" or "en."

  • Mange des fruits !Manges-en ! (Eat some!)
  • Va à l’école !Vas-y ! (Go there!)

Pronouns in the Affirmative Imperative

When using object pronouns (me, te, le, la, nous, vous, leur), they follow the verb and are connected by a hyphen.


  • Donne-moi le livre ! (Give me the book!)
  • Écoutez-nous ! (Listen to us!)
  • Dis-le-lui ! (Tell it to him/her!)

2. Negative Imperative (Impératif négatif)

In the negative imperative, the structure is Ne + verb + pas.
Object pronouns come before the verb instead of after it.


  • Ne parle pas ! (Don’t speak!)
  • Ne mangeons pas ici ! (Let’s not eat here!)
  • Ne finissez pas tout ! (Don’t finish everything!)
  • Ne me regarde pas ! (Don’t look at me!)

📌 Pronouns in the Negative Imperative

  • Ne me donne pas ce livre ! (Don’t give me this book!)
  • Ne lui parle pas ! (Don’t talk to him/her!)
  • Ne nous attendez pas ! (Don’t wait for us!)

Practice Exercises

A. Fill in the Blanks (Affirmative or Negative)

  1. (parler – tu) → _______ français, s’il te plaît !
  2. (manger – vous) → _______ lentement !
  3. (ne pas chanter – nous) → _______ trop fort !
  4. (écouter – tu) → _______ bien le professeur !
  5. (ne pas répondre – vous) → _______ à cette question !

B. Rewrite with Pronouns

Rewrite the sentences using object pronouns in the imperative.

  1. Donne le stylo à moi. → _______ !
  2. Ne regarde pas le film. → _______ !
  3. Achetez des bonbons pour nous. → _______ !
  4. N’écris pas la lettre. → _______ !
A.1 Parle
A.2 Mangez lentement !
A.3 Ne chantons pas trop fort !
A.4 Écoute bien le professeur ! 
A.5 Ne répondez pas à cette question 

B.1 Donne-le-moi ! (Give it to me!)
B.2 Ne le regarde pas ! Don’t watch it!)
B.3 Achetez-nous-en ! (Buy us some!)
B.4 Ne l’écris pas ! (Don’t write it!)